An interview with IIIM director, Kristinn R. Thórisson, in Iceland Review. He met journalist Mica Allan to talk about the rapid technological enhancements in AI and how IIIM seeks to brings together leading forces in academia and industry to foster the exchange of ideas and inventions and thus built a bridge between academia and industry, which are interdependent. He also speaks of IIIM’s unique stand when it comes to ethical matters by refusing to use military funding for their research and development and the futuristic idea of artificial intelligence taking over the world.
Dr. Kristinn R. Þórisson, Founding Director of IIIM, speaks at the 2015 AI Festival: Terminator at your Door – Just how Dangerous is AI?
Kris introduces IIIM’s new Ethics Policy for Peaceful R&D and presents arguments why AI labs should adopt it, or a similar alternative, to take a clear stance on the ethics surrounding their work.
Dr. Noel Sharkey’s speech from the AI Festival 2015. He describes the various autonomous weapons used by militaries around the world and how the use of AI technology is already posing ethical questions in military affairs.
All the lectures from the AI Festival 2015 can be found on our Youtube channel.
Árið 2009 fóru nokkrir íslenskir nemar í MIT af stað með verkefni sem átti að ráðast gegn þekktu vandamáli í spítalarekstri sem þó var lítið talað um. Talið er að um að allt að fjórðungur lyfjagjafa á sjúkrahúsum og hjúkrunarheimilum séu rangar á einhvern hátt en erfitt hefur reynst að koma kerfisbundið í veg fyrir að slík mistök eigi sér stað.