News about the institution, its research & recent advances

Beyond Economy

IIIM scientist Dr. Jacky Mallett will speak at a TED event this evening, the 23rd of March, about the economic system and her economic simulation – Threadneedle – focusing on a Construction loan experiment.

Dr. Mallett will be joined by speakers  Arnar Sigurdsson – one of the founders of Karolina Fund, Hlynur Þór Björnsson – industrial engineer, Gunnar Stefansson -professor of statistics at the University of Iceland  and Anna Helga Jónsdóttir – adjunct lecturer in statistics at the University of Iceland.

The current economic system, we are told, is failing. Looking at the underlying assumptions behind it will lead to the following questions: What do we ultimately value in our society and how? Having that in mind, how can we move towards valuing different things or, differently valuing the same things? Are these things changing their identity because of the value we attribute to them.

TEDxReykjavík is hosting the event at Prepp Restaurant, Rauðarárstíg 8. All the lectures wil be in English. See more information on the faceboook event. Note that there is a limited number of tickets for the event.


Iceland Leads AI in Scandinavia

AI is making its inroads into numerous startups, some of which make AI their main foundation, others leveraging the unique possibilities that AI opens up and would be impossible without it. We are at the brink of a new industrial revolution centering on automation of information processes. With practically endless opportunities, startups in the Nordic countries are taking notice.

The Nordic AI Festival, held March 7th in Copenhagen, is the first such pan-Nordic conference on AI. Backed by eight companies and venture captial funds, the initiative aims to connect the AI community in the Nordic countries together and work towards a future where AI contributes to a better quality of life. The aim is to position the North as a hub for building and creating intelligent learning systems that will shape the way we live and work for many generations to come.  Continue reading Iceland Leads AI in Scandinavia

The Nordic.AI Kickoff

From todays lectures where IIIM’s director Kristinn R. Thórisson will speak.

Today, March 7th 2017,  IIIM participates in the first ever Nordic.AI Festival.

This one-day event held in Copenhagen connects the brightest minds in artificial intelligence to discuss how to design a smarter world to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Nordic.AI is a community-initatied nonprofit organization with the purpose of gathering the artificial intelligence and machine learning ecosystems in the the Nordics under one umbrella. Their aim is to create transparency, opportunity, and cooperations to position the region as a hub for building and creating intelligent learning systems that will shape the way we live and work for many generations to come. The organization seeks to dissolve the present day infatuation with technology and refocus on what is really important: quality of life.




Tech Leaders establish 23 Principles for ensuring Beneficial A.I.

Spiraling clockwise from top left to center: Dr. Demis Hassabis of DeepMind, inventor Dr. Ray Kurzweil, Dr. Erik Brynjolfsson of MIT, LinkedIn CEO Reid Hoffman, Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt, Dr. Andrew McAfee of MIT, IIIM Director Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson, Dr. Stuart Russell of UC Berkeley, Dr. Max Tegmark of MIT, and venture capitalist and Skype creator Jaan Tallin.

Some of the world’s most prominent AI and high-tech leaders assembled in Asilomar, California this January, to discuss opportunities and challenges related to the future of AI and steps we can take to ensure that the technology is beneficial for everyone. Among the 150 participants were IIIM’s Director Kristinn R. Thórisson, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, DeepMind founder Demis Hassabis, inventor Ray Kurzweil and Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt.

The five-day conference, titled ‘Beneficial AI 2017’ (BAI), was hosted by The Future of Life Institute and brought together a select group of AI researchers and thought leaders from academia and industry. The question of how to align artificial intelligence with human values was tackled from different angles, drawing on the attendees’ broad range of expertise in economics, law, ethics, and philosophy.

The conference brought forth a list of principles for guiding the development of safe and beneficial AI technologies in the coming decades. Continue reading Tech Leaders establish 23 Principles for ensuring Beneficial A.I.