News about the institution, its research & recent advances

Vol5, issue1 -2016


The latest issue of IIIM’s newsletter is out now!

In this issue we cover the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research. Interdisciplinary research empowers researchers to have more than one viewpoint on a problem and tackle the questions that remain unanswered in a particular field from new angles bringing scientific disciplines forward.

Dr. Ipke Wachsmuth, professor of Artificial Intelligence  and former director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at Bielefeld University in Germany, shares his experience on interdisciplinary research undertaken at the institute.

Also get acquainted with IIIM’s collaboration model for startups and high-tech companies and hear what our collaborators have to say about us.

Happy reading!


CADIA_LOGO_small_CADIA lecture: Embodiment versus Memetics Intelligence: Language, and the Place of Robots in Human Society

Speaker: Joanna Bryson
When and where: Friday the 16th of September at 14:00 in room M109

The last few years have seen a growing public awareness of the pervasiveness of artificial intelligence (AI). Yet somehow this awareness has translated into a fear projected into the (near) future rather than an understanding or concern about how the world is already being changed by our technology.   Continue reading LANGUAGE, AND THE PLACE OF ROBOTS IN HUMAN SOCIETY

Launching of CoCoMaps

CoCoMapsToday the CoCoMaps project, a collaboration between IIIM and CMLabs, officially lunched! We are very exited to set off on this journey after months of preparation.

The aim of the project is to endow robots with the skills to communicate with humans in real time using natural dialogue.

If successful these improved communicational skills of the robots will enable much more sophisticated human-robot collaborations and open up doors for robots to work alongside humans in human-centric environments – such as factories, hospitals and the entertainment business – in ways not possible before.

For updates on the project progress visit the CoCoMaps site.

AGI-2016: The Road Towards Artificial General Intelligence

AGI conference
Jordi Bieger presents his Ph.D project.

The 2016 AGI conference, which is part of The Joint Multi-Conference on Human-Level Artificial Intelligence 2016, successfully concluded last week in New York City.

This conference features several keynotes speeches by leading thinkers from different fields relating to human-level AI research, including work by IIIM’s director and staff.

Continuing the mission of past AGI conferences, AGI-16 gathers an international group of leading academics and industry researchers involved in scientific and engineering work aimed directly toward the goal of Artificial General Intelligence.

Continue reading AGI-2016: The Road Towards Artificial General Intelligence