It has been confirmed that Aldin Dynamics is among an exclusive number of developers already creating software for Samsung’s new Gear VR smartphone-powered virtual reality headset, a product that was only announced last Thursday, September 5th. The announcement caused quite a stir in the VR world since it was revealed that Oculus and Samsung are collaborating on the product. Continue reading IIIM’s Spinoff, Aldin Dynamics, Working on a Gear VR Title
News about the institution, its research & recent advances
Dr. Kristinn R. Thorisson and colleagues receive “Outstanding Paper” award
Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson, Director of IIIM and Associate Professor of Computer Science at Reykjavik University, received the prestigious Outstanding Paper award at the Intelligent Systems & Agents conference in Portugal last month.
The paper describes the first automatic system that can learn a complex task by observing how it is performed, entirely without guidance or supervision. This is a new chapter in AI research. Continue reading Dr. Kristinn R. Thorisson and colleagues receive “Outstanding Paper” award
Interview with Kristinn R. Thorisson on the Turing Test and recent reports
The Turing Test has since the 1950’s been regarded as one of the quintessential milestones in computer science by supposedly providing the ideal test-case where computer intelligence can equal human intelligence. In a recent report by the Telegraph, it is claimed that the Turing Test has finally been passed, where a computer program seemingly exhibited intelligent behaviour by convincing a panel of judges that it was a human being. Although the test it self has been highly influential in the field of AI, it has also received much criticism. IIIM’s managing director, Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson was interviewed on the Icelandic radio show “Síðdegisútvarpið”, where he discussed the reports, as well as commented on developments within the field of AI. You can listen to the interview here (in Icelandic)
Stephen Hawking Follows in the Footsteps of IIIM Intern Tobbi Kristjáns
On February 17th this year the Icelandic newspaper DV published an interview with IIIM intern Thorbjorn (Tobbi) Kristjansson with the heading “Could mean the end of humanity if we don’t play it right”. The interview was about Mr. Kristjansson’s warning about the pitfalls of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Following in his footsteps (metaphorically speaking, of course), last week the famed scienctist Stephen Hawking authored an article in The Independent asking us whether we are taking AI seriously enough. His article was triggered by the movie Transcendence, in which Johny Depp plays an AI researcher intent on creating “real AI” – machines that can really think and can rival humans in their intelligence. Like Tobbi, he warns that while real AI could be the most amazing thing humanity has ever accomplished, “it could also be the last.” Continue reading Stephen Hawking Follows in the Footsteps of IIIM Intern Tobbi Kristjáns