News about the institution, its research & recent advances

Download “What are the Limits on Commercial Bank Lending?” by Jacky Mallett

Now available for download – a technical report written by Jacky Mallett, affiliate researcher of IIIM. Title of the paper is “What are the Limits on Commercial Bank Lending?”. Preprint submitted to Elsevier, September 20th, 2010.

The report presents a controversial theory, with backing evidence, about the cause of the financial crash in 2008, and why it will probably happen again soon. It took a computer scientist, with an eye on algorithms, to crack what many economists failed to understand. See download link and abstract below.
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Director of IIIM Chairing Next Conference on Artificial General Intelligence

Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson is chairing the next conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), hosted by Google, Inc. at its headquarter facilities in Mountain view, California, USA.

AGI Conference 2011 Banner

The conference, the 4th in its series, will be held August 3-6th (Wed-Sat), 2011. Information is provided on the official AGI Conference Website.

A convenient summary of useful information also follows in this post, below.

Continue reading Director of IIIM Chairing Next Conference on Artificial General Intelligence

Video Introduction to the Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines (IIIM)

IIIM screenshot of the introduction video

A video from the Founding Event of IIIM is now online! The Director of IIIM, Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson, gives an overview of the foundation of IIIM and history leading up to its formation, and the role artificial intelligence plays in the research focus of the Institute. The speech was held at IIIM’s public founding event at Reykjavik University.

For those interested in IIIM and its areas of research, this is a must-see.  Continue reading Video Introduction to the Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines (IIIM)

Meet Us During Visindavaka Festival – European Researchers’ Night 2010!

Logo for Visindavaka 2010 at Reykjavik Art MuseumWe cordially invite you to come see us during the Visindavaka festival on September 24th! At this annual event, held at the Reykjavik Art Museum in Hafnargata (see map below), you’ll get a chance to learn about our work: How we want to accelerate processes of innovation in ways never before possible, using intelligent software and simulations.
Continue reading Meet Us During Visindavaka Festival – European Researchers’ Night 2010!