News about the institution, its research & recent advances

Europe Aims to Catch Up in AI Race

robotAs Europe is currently facing a competitive disadvantage in the field of AI, especially in data access, the European Parliament decided to push on digitalization efforts. To officially launch a respective debate, the European Commission published a White Paper on Artificial Intelligence last February. It is beyond doubt that Europe must become more active in its digitalization progress if it wishes to place its countries among the top competitors in the AI space: According to Stanford University’s AI Index report, Continue reading Europe Aims to Catch Up in AI Race

Sweden’s Agency for Digital Government appoints IIIM Director to its AI Advisory Group

In September 2018 a new Swedish government authority – DIGG – began its work on new challenges in digitalization. Sweden’s Agency for Digital Government (DIGG), directed by Patrick Ekemo and Ana Eriksson, has the mandate to establish a new national digital ecosystem in Sweden and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration through extensive use of automation and artificial intelligence (AI).

To improve the public administration’s ability to use artificial intelligence (AI), DIGG wants the best Nordic AI competence to be involved from the get-go, in one of their first government assignments, in a special project called Open Data, Data-Driven Innovation and AI. With more than 30 years of extensive experience in AI, IIIM’s Director is among the most knowledgeable in this field in Scandinavia. In 2019 a highly qualified group was formed including prominent experts in digital innovation and AI. The group, which includes IIIM Director Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson, has the primary goal of providing continuous support and external quality assurance to all analyses and planned actions throughout the project.

Continue reading Sweden’s Agency for Digital Government appoints IIIM Director to its AI Advisory Group

IIIM Achievements Presented at the Annual Innovation Congress in Reykjavik

From the Annual Innovation Congress held at Grand Hotel, Reykjavik. Photo: Rannís.

Last Thursday a special event and congress celebrated the results of three projects that received a grant from the Center of Excellence fund, established by the Technology & Science Board of Iceland in 2008. IIIM was one of the three projects selected from proposals authored by over 1000 scientists and entrepreneurs in Iceland. Among attendess of the Annual Innovation Congress were Iceland’s Prime Minister, Katrin Jakobsdóttir, and Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, Minister of Education and Culture.

Continue reading IIIM Achievements Presented at the Annual Innovation Congress in Reykjavik

The Nordic and Baltic seek to maintain leadership in AI

Iceland’s Finance Minister, Bjarni Benediktsson, signs the letter of intent about increased AI cooperation.

The Nordic and Baltic regions have agreed to work together more closely in the development of Artificial Intelligence and its use in a way that benefits society. Today they signed a letter of intent for expanding their co-operation to maintain their position as the leading region in Europe in this field.

In a common statement the ministers stress the potential that lies in Nordic and Baltic countries through their use of AI in business and the public sector. They say AI can assist in solving major societal challenges and bring considerable benefits to a variety of areas which could in effect double economic growth.

Read more here.