AI Festival 2016: Artificial Intelligence and the Economy

screen-shot-2016-11-04-at-3-01-42-pmAs artificial intelligence and extensive automation invade our daily lives, what are the implications for our economic systems? Can artificial intelligence help us with the grand challenge of the 10 hour work week promised at the beginning of the 20th century? Or will ever more automation in finance and production lead to the destruction of the very financial system that’s created them?

This will be the focus of this year’s AI Festival held Friday the 11th of November at Reykjavík University.

The keynote speaker at this year’s festival is Prof. Dr. Doyne Farmer who has advocated for reforms in economic research and theory:

Dr. Farmer is a Professor at the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford and Director of the Complexity Economics program at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), as well as being an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. Continue reading AI Festival 2016: Artificial Intelligence and the Economy

Iceland to become a member of the European Space Agency

Mission Control Room of ESA.

Alþingi, the Icelandic parliament, voted last week to have the minister of foreign affairs apply, on Iceland’s behalf, for membership to the European Space Agency (ESA).

IIIM supports Parliament’s application and believes it would open up new opportunities in research and co-operation in the high tech sector.

Space agencies around the world are at the forefront of designing and utilizing high technology. Astrological research, space travel, the design and management of space stations, energy research and theories about the origin of the universe all build on the latest technology, especially software. In space science software is necessary for data collection and data processing, the making of simulations, autonomous steering of vehicles, laser beams, telescopes and measuring equipment. Continue reading Iceland to become a member of the European Space Agency

VOL5, ISSUE1 – 2016

The theme this time is the concept interdisciplinary research — often discussed but seldom understood. We start with our Director, Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson, giving an introduction to this important topic.

Our invited article in this issue is by former Director of ZiFF research institute in Bielefeld, Germany, Dr. Ipke Wachsmuth. Writes Wachsmuth: “Scientific research today is marked by a growing differentiation and specialization in the disciplines. A discipline is characterized by the questions it wants to answer, and the methods it employs to look for such answers. Increased specialization means an inevitable narrowing of focus, which is indeed its main goal. But a narrower focus may also lead to narrow-mindedness.”

Reykjavik University’s Center for Analysis & Design of Intelligent Agents and IIIM ran the Reykjavik AI Festival on the topic of killer robots and the industrial impact of AI. Titled “Terminator at Your Doorstep: How Dangerous is AI?”, the festival brought a lot of visitors, speakers, and presentations from companies in Iceland. Our guests of honor were Professor Dr. Noel Sharkey from the University of Sheffield and ethics specialist Dr. Salvör Nordal from the University of Iceland.

Catalyzing innovation and high-technology research in Iceland