Imagine getting lost in nature and being rescued by a 3CPO-like robot that could speak to you and make life-saving decisions. You could also very well encounter a new robotic colleague working at a warehouse and communicating through natural dialog. As futuristic as these situations may sound, the technology which would allow for such communication and collaboration is within our grasp. It will allow humans and robots to work together on specific tasks in human-centric environments such as factories and hospitals using dialogue to obtain and convey information. The robots of the near future could even become stage performers, effortlessly mimicking human speech and behaviour.
IIIM and CADIA winners of Arion Hackathon!

Hurray to our hack-a-thon team which came, saw and conquered at a Fin-Tech Party held by Arion bank last weekend the 3rd and 4th of June.
This event was the first Fin-Tech Party hosted by Arion and centered on developing financial products to solve real-world problems using data from the bank. The aim of Arion bank is to increase the variety and diversity of apps and web services available and expand their digital financial cervices for enhanced customer convenience.
The competition was a great success with 11 teams consisting of about 30 programmers and designers working to develop fully functional apps. The teams had 30 hours to come up with financial software solutions for the future, starting on Friday afternoon and finishing Saturday evening,
On their path to world domination, intelligent machines will steal all our jobs, but could they (or should they) ever run for president? For voters disillusioned by the current state of politics, this could provide a viable alternative.
A recent campaign advocates for an artificial intelligence, known as Watson, as a candidate for the 2016 elections for the President of the United States of America.
Continue reading Commander-in-CPU
Marvin Minsky (1927 – 2016) ⏤ In Memoriam

By Kristinn R. Thórisson
I took Marvin Minsky’s class ‘Society of Mind’ in 1991. I would have taken it in 1990, when I started my studies at the MIT Media Lab, but he only taught it every other year. To get in we had to prove to him that we had read his book of the same title – which I did – and that we were genuinely interested in the topic – which I was – possibly more so than the majority of the 30 or so students who took the course that year. So, as luck would have it, I had a year to prepare for it.
His course was, in the words of Bostonians, wicked awesome. Finally, I had found a mentor who could answer the hard questions I had about the mind. And boy did I have questions. Since my teens I had dreamed of creating an artificial mind. Continue reading Marvin Minsky (1927 – 2016) ⏤ In Memoriam