It has been confirmed that Aldin Dynamics is among an exclusive number of developers already creating software for Samsung’s new Gear VR smartphone-powered virtual reality headset, a product that was only announced last Thursday, September 5th. The announcement caused quite a stir in the VR world since it was revealed that Oculus and Samsung are collaborating on the product. Continue reading IIIM’s Spinoff, Aldin Dynamics, Working on a Gear VR Title
Dr. Kristinn R. Thorisson and colleagues receive “Outstanding Paper” award
Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson, Director of IIIM and Associate Professor of Computer Science at Reykjavik University, received the prestigious Outstanding Paper award at the Intelligent Systems & Agents conference in Portugal last month.
The paper describes the first automatic system that can learn a complex task by observing how it is performed, entirely without guidance or supervision. This is a new chapter in AI research. Continue reading Dr. Kristinn R. Thorisson and colleagues receive “Outstanding Paper” award
VOL3, ISSUE1 – 2014
IIIM’s fifth newsletter is now available. In it you’ll find an interesting collection of topics that touch upon the broad field of Artificial Intelligence. We interview the founders of IIIM’s first spinoff, Aldin Dynamics, and learn about their adventures in the world of virtual reality.
IIIM researcher Dr. Deon Garrett gives us insight into the project of creating more autonomous systems that require less direct human involvement, that could continue to improve well after they are deployed.
IIIM intern Thorbjörn Kristjánsson raises his concerns about the development of artificial intelligence and the ethical aspects and risks of its applications.
Happy reading!
Interview with Kristinn R. Thorisson on the Turing Test and recent reports
The Turing Test has since the 1950’s been regarded as one of the quintessential milestones in computer science by supposedly providing the ideal test-case where computer intelligence can equal human intelligence. In a recent report by the Telegraph, it is claimed that the Turing Test has finally been passed, where a computer program seemingly exhibited intelligent behaviour by convincing a panel of judges that it was a human being. Although the test it self has been highly influential in the field of AI, it has also received much criticism. IIIM’s managing director, Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson was interviewed on the Icelandic radio show “Síðdegisútvarpið”, where he discussed the reports, as well as commented on developments within the field of AI. You can listen to the interview here (in Icelandic)