
Have you ever wondered what would happen if your shadow had a life of its own? IIIM specialists Gunnar Steinn Valgardsson (Chief Technology Developer, demo author) and Hrafn Thorri Thórisson (concept author, advisor) introduced the LivingShadows project to discover just that. The LivingShadows program scans a person’s outline and transforms it into an interactive figure. Rather than being a mere projection, it is its own entity. The shadows act independently so that people can interact with their own shadows, and their shadows can interact with other shadows.

Most of IIIM projects are entirely scientifically motivated, but LivingShadows plays on the border of technology and art.

Worldwide Interconnectivity

Future versions of LivingShadows will enable people all over the world to connect their installations together.

LivingShadows: Scenario Example

Entering the hallway, the viewer sees a series of shadow figures moving along the wall. The figures are standing about, sitting down, some of them come and go on their way to unknown destinations. One shadow seems to be reading a newspaper, another paces back and forth while looking at her watch.

The only traces of their hidden world are revealed by the shadows on the wall. The viewer steps in front of the wall and see their shadow appear on the wall. The shadows stop for a moment to stare at him, then return to their business. The participant waves at the shadow reading the newspaper. The shadow puts down his paper and waves back. One by one he interacts with the other shadows in the virtual waiting room. Finally, the participant waves both his arms and suddenly it begins to rain. All of the shadows take out umbrellas to shelter them from the rain.

Impulsion Engine

Impulsion is a software platform developed to explore new concepts in social AI for lifelike interactive characters. We strive to improve virtual characters’ behaviors by making them act more realistically in social simulations. The platform represents a social AI engine that applies novel solutions to various types of interactive simulations and game environments.

“Body language, personal space, gaze attraction, and territoriality are all part of our daily social life: all are part of what makes us appear mindful and attentive.”

With knowledge from psychology and sociology, we can build lifelike interactive characters who can grasp situations, react to contingencies, and appear aware of their surroundings.

New Frontiers: Socializing Software

Tactical combat is by far the leading applicable scenario of character AI in today’s gaming industry. Demand for games with storytelling that goes beyond mere gunfire is pushing AI to its limits and expanding its versatility. Creating characters rich enough to engage in social scenarios, where we expect them to appear more lifelike, remains a problem yet to be successfully tackled by game developers.

Standing in line without rushing into others, facing a group of peers you are chatting with, sensing the comfort zone of another, and looking into each other’s eyes require a different approach than what is used for tactical combat.

Simulating Environmental Understanding

The eight-bit gaming world of yesterday left characters helplessly running into walls and awkwardly maneuvering around obstacles. The development of path-finding and local avoidance has established techniques that have given rise to a new breed character, one that no longer runs headfirst into walls but simulates an understanding of space. However, to achieve lifelike character behavior, an understanding of space is insufficient without an understanding of context. Certain locations may have an intended use that goes beyond mere topological shape. One solution would be to semantically tag locations–but what if the environment changes dynamically, such as in a space full of people who are moving around? Theories on human territoriality can help building a system that reasons about spatial affordance (what can be done in certain places or to certain objects), creating characters who can move about their environment more naturally.

Video Presentation from IIIM’s and CADIA’s Open Day – Dr. Jacky Mallett

Dr. Jacky Mallett.

At a time of uncertainty in the global economy, it is time to examine accepted economic theories. This is why Dr. Jacky Mallett introduced a very simple simulation of a one product economy with a constant money supply. Working with established equations, Dr. Mallett began questioning theories at the heart of the field. The results of her simulation have revealed that even the simplest economy has complexities that economists do not fully take into account, and that the market can behave in unexpected ways.

Continue reading Video Presentation from IIIM’s and CADIA’s Open Day – Dr. Jacky Mallett

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