CADIA’s GGP agent CADIA-Player won this year’s General Game Playing competition hosted at the AAAI conference, reclaiming the title it lost in 2009. On its road to the title it defeated winners from the previous two years. As a winner of the competition, CADIA-Player also played an exhibition match consisting of three games against a human player — Chris Welty from IBM — and won convincingly.
Invitation from Startup Reykjavik: Startup BBQ Party

It is all about inspiration and networking, and embracing the opportunities which entrepreneurs can discover and create in a friendly and informal setting.
Dr. Ari Kristinn Jónsson, Rector of Reykjavik University, will host the BBQ… and has promised to use some of his patented NASA techniques to create a fun atmosphere.
Brad Feld, the legendary investor at Foundry Group will be on Skype at 16:00 to discuss the love-hate affair between entrepreneurs and investors.
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“Thinking” Machines: Managing Director of IIIM Discusses Evolving Machine Intelligence in Spinks’ Article “Minds of Their Own”
Pioneering British scientist Alan Turing’s 100th birthday is celebrated this year, prompting Peter Spinks to question if machines could soon pass the Turing test. If passed, this test represents the ultimate achievement in computer science: a computer which thinks like a human. IIIM’s Managing Director Dr. Kristinn R. Thorisson is positive that faster, more powerful computers will lead to computers that “think”. To read more click on
Call for Papers: AGI 2012 Conference at Oxford University
The Fifth Artificial General Intelligence Conference will be held
December 8-11 2012, at Oxford University in the UK.
Paper submissions are due July 15. Proposals for workshops and tutorials are also solicited.
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