In Hackathon 2012 – Iceland, guests from different local startups will introduce short programming challenges and describe various experiences encountered in their area of business. Participants of the event will then be set to solving these challenges during the hacking session. This event is open to students (signup required, see below), hobbyists, professionals, anybody who likes to hack on cool code.
The Interactive Robots and Media Lab of NYU AD, New York University’s largest global campus, home to “IbnSina”, the world’s first arabic speaking android robot and the “FaceBots” social robots, is organizing its third international summer school, which will take place in 2012 between June 17 and July 12, with a duration of four weeks.
Here at IIIM we are excited to share with you our first newsletter! The aim of the newsletter is to cast light on the research projects we’re working on, events related to the field of AI and IIIM’s collaborations.
In this first newsletter you can read about Dr. Yngvi Björnsson’s account on IIIM’s andCADIA’s collaboration and Dr. Jacky Mallett’s article on Simulating Modern Banking Systems. There is also a pieces on the RU hosted “Humanobs Constructivist Workshop“, where researchers from around the world came together in a search for answers in the growing field of Artificial General Intelligence.
This spring IIIM is continuing it’s tradition on having an Open Day for all of those interested in the newest achievements in the field of AI. This year we have invited one of our closest collaborators Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents (CADIA) to join the event with several exciting presentations.