Open Seminar on Opportunities for AI in Auditing

Dr. Páll Ríkharðsson and Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson recently presented the conclusions of their year-long analysis on the opportunities of using artificial intelligence (AI) in auditing. Titled Artificial Intelligence and Auditing in SMEs: Attitudes, Expectations and Applications, the hour-long seminar (see the whole recording here) was based on research by the Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines (IIIM) and Department of Business Administration at Reykjavik University (RU) for the Association of State Authorized Auditors, analyzing attitudes towards automation and AI, as well as threats and opportunities for its use in auditing. The report answers questions about the practical use of advanced machine learning and other technologies for speeding up, simplifying, reducing the cost of, and improving, standard operations of auditors across a wide range of companies.

Continue reading Open Seminar on Opportunities for AI in Auditing

Iceland Has a New AI Policy

In October of 2020, the Office of the Prime Minister of Iceland assembled a five-person committee tasked with authoring an AI policy for Iceland. Part of the process included soliciting comments from the public. In March IIIM submitted a 14-page report advising the committee on the subject. The committee has now delivered a final report that resulted from its work, which outlines policy suggestions. The Prime Minister plans to present the report to parliament later this month.  Continue reading Iceland Has a New AI Policy

How Iceland Can Benefit from AI: IIIM Delivers Report to PM’s Committee on AI Policy

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The Office of the Prime Minister of Iceland put together last year a committee to author an AI policy for Iceland. In preparation the document that is to be delivered by the committee later this spring, the committee has called for an open commentary from the general public. Earlier this week the Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines delivered a report on the Institute’s advice to the Prime Minister’s Office about Iceland and the 4th Industrial Revolution. The 14 page report includes answers to the committee’s questions that it specifically requested in commentary on, Continue reading How Iceland Can Benefit from AI: IIIM Delivers Report to PM’s Committee on AI Policy

Europe Aims to Catch Up in AI Race

robotAs Europe is currently facing a competitive disadvantage in the field of AI, especially in data access, the European Parliament decided to push on digitalization efforts. To officially launch a respective debate, the European Commission published a White Paper on Artificial Intelligence last February. It is beyond doubt that Europe must become more active in its digitalization progress if it wishes to place its countries among the top competitors in the AI space: According to Stanford University’s AI Index report, Continue reading Europe Aims to Catch Up in AI Race

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