Our offices will be open to visits during our IIIM Open Day on Friday, May 13, 2011 at Reykjavik University, Menntavegur 1.
Take the opportunity to meet our team, learn about our achievements in year 2010, find out more about our major challenges, future developments and collaboration opportunities we currently offer. Continue reading Visit us on IIIM Open Day!→
In his article “Standby for an amazing year” Peter Spinks focuses on the challenging goals that scientists worldwide have set for the near future. Within the article P. Spinks turns to IIIM director Kristinn R. Thorisson for his opinion on the development in the field of machine intelligence, innovations in AI and systems that react to verbal and non-verbal communication and perform tasks.
As computers get faster and more powerful, chances are it won’t be long before they start resembling machines that ”think”. New designs and computer architectures would require the development of super-software systems.
The IVA 2011 annual conference will be hosted by Reykjavik University in Iceland, from September 15 – 17, 2011. IIIM lends its support as an official sponsor of IVA ’11, with the Institute’s CEO Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson and Associate Director Dr. Stacy Marsella residing as two of the conferences’ chairs. Continue reading Take Part in the Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference (IVA) 2011→
Now available for download – a technical report written by Jacky Mallett, affiliate researcher of IIIM. Title of the paper is “What are the Limits on Commercial Bank Lending?”. Preprint submitted to Elsevier, September 20th, 2010.
The report presents a controversial theory, with backing evidence, about the cause of the financial crash in 2008, and why it will probably happen again soon. It took a computer scientist, with an eye on algorithms, to crack what many economists failed to understand. See download link and abstract below. Continue reading Download “What are the Limits on Commercial Bank Lending?” by Jacky Mallett→
Catalyzing innovation and high-technology research in Iceland