IIIM Supports the Icelandic Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR)

Logo of ISIRWiki - wiki website of the Icelandic Society for Intelligence ResearchIn 2005 a group of students founded Iceland’s first AI society; the Icelandic Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR). Among their efforts was a wiki-website called ISIRWiki intended for collecting information on AI; the website grew fast and quickly became the most comprehensive online resource for Icelandic information on AI.

Now we are pleased to announce that IIIM has offered to host ISIRWiki. The ISIRWiki is a great asset to the Icelandic AI community, aiding and documenting both academic and industrial work in this area. It is now back online and viewable on the ISIR websiteContinue reading IIIM Supports the Icelandic Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR)

Deon Garrett Joins IIIM Research Staff

It is a pleasure to announce a new member of our research staff, Deon Garrett, who received his Ph.D. from the University of Memphis in 2008, where he worked on metaheuristics for multiobjective optimization. His work was primarily in building algorithms that can learn to detect and exploit structures in multiobjective search spaces. Dr. Garrett has also worked in machine learning and computer security. He has served as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), and has served on the Program Committee for the SpringSim Annual Simulation Symposium.

Laura Nesaule joins IIIM

It is a pleasure to introduce a new member of staff, Laura Nesaule, who is taking over from Heiða Helgadóttir as our Administrative Assistant. Laura is from Latvia; she received her B.A. in Communication Science and Public Relations from Riga Stradin’s University in Latvia. During her studies she was awarded a Erasmus Exchange Program grant to spend a semester studying at the University of Akureyri. Laura also spent a year in London studying English. She gained significant experience in public relations while working for Hill & Knowlton in Latvia, especially marketing communication, sales and project support.

Catalyzing innovation and high-technology research in Iceland