Publications & Reports







  • K. R. Thórisson, J. Bieger, X. Li & P. Wang (2019). Cumulative Learning. Proc. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-19), Shenzhen, China, Aug. 6-9, 198-209






  • Bieger, J., Thórisson, K. R., & Garrett, D. (2014). Raising AI: Tutoring Matters. In B. Goerzel, L. Orseau, & J. Snaider (Eds.), Proceedings of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-14) (pp. 1–10) Quebec, Canada: Springer-Verlag.
  • Garrett, D., Bieger, J., & Thórisson, K. R. (2014). Tunable and Generic Problem Instance Generation for Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning, Orlando, USA.
  •  Garrett, D., &Thórisson, K. R. (2014, March 9th). Machine learning for improving adaptivity of artificial knees to environmental conditions IIIM Technical Report IIIMTR-2014-09-03. Reykjavík, Iceland: Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines.
  • Gudjonsson, D. S. (2014). Exploring the Potential Macroeconomic Impacts of Branch Banking Practice (Unpublished master’s thesis). Reykjavik University, Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • Helgason, H. P., Thorisson, K. R., Garrett, D., & Nivel, E. (2014). Towards a General Attention Mechanism for Embedded Intelligent Systems. International Journal of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, 4(1):1–7
  • Nivel, E., Thórisson, K. R., Steunebrink, B. R.., Dindo H., Peluzo, G., Rodriguez, M., … Chella, A. (2014). Bounded Seed-AGI. In B. Goerzel, L. Orseau, & J. Snaider (Eds.), Proce. Artificial General Intelligence, 85–96
  • Nivel, E., Thórisson, K. R., Steunebrink, B. R., Dindo, H., Peluzo, G., Rodriguez, M., et al. (2014). Autonomous Acquisition of Natural Language. In A. P. dos Reis, P. Kommers, & P. Isaías (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Agents 2014 (ISA-14), Lissbon, Portugal, July 15–17 (pp. 58–66) (Recipient of the Outstanding Paper Award at the Intelligent Systems & Agents conference).
  • Valgardsson, G. S., Fornari, F., Thórisson H. Th., & Thórisson, K. R. (2014). Living shadows developer documentation v. 1.0. IIIM Technical Report IIIMTR-2014-01-001. Reykjavík, Iceland: Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines.



  • Thórisson, K. R., Nivel, E., Sanz, R., & P. Wang (2012). Editorial: approaches and assumptions of self-programming in achieving artificial general intelligence. Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, 3(3), 1–10
  • Dindo, H., La Tona, G., Pezzulo, G., Nivel, E., & Thórisson, K. R. (2012). Simulation and anticipation as tools for coordinating with the future. Proc. of Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012.
  • Helgason, H. P., Nivel, E., & Thórisson, K. R. (2012). On attention mechanisms for AGI architectures: A design proposal. Proceedings of Artificial General Intelligence, Oxford University, December 2012. (Recipient of the Kurzweil Prize)
  • Helgason, H. P., & Thórisson, K. R. (2012). Attention Capabilities for AI SystemsProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2012), Rome, July 2012.
  • Mallett, J. (2012). A system analysis of the Basel capital accord’s regulatory control over the behaviour of modern banking systems. Systems Conference(SysCon) 2012 IEEE
  • Thórisson, K. R. (2012). A New Constructivist AI: From Manual Methods to Self-Constructive Systems. In B. Goertzel and P. Wang (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of artificial general intelligence. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Atlantis Press.
  • Mallett, J. (2012, August). What are the limits on Commercial Bank Lending? Advances in Complex Systems. Retrieved from (paywall) (open access)
  • Thórisson, K. R., & Helgason, H. P. (2012). Cognitive architectures and autonomy: A comparative review. Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, 3(2), 1–30


  • Mallett, J. (2011a). Analysing the behaviour of the Textbook Fractional Reserve Banking model as a Complex Dynamic System. Eighth International Complex Systems Conference, June 2011. Retrieved from
  • Mallett, J. (2011b). When the textbook is wrong – observations on flaws in the textbook models of the banking system and implications for economic theory. 13th Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics. Retrieved from AHE2011036R.pdf
  • Dindo, H., Chella, A., La Tona, G., Vitali, M., Nivel E., & Thórisson, K. R. (2011). Learning problem solving skills from demonstration: An architectural approach. In Proceedings of Artificial General Intelligence 2011.
  • Mallett, J. (2011c, January). Modelling the textbook fractional reserve banking system: Emergent results of artificial economies. Retrieved from
  • Olafsdottir, G.F. (2011). A methodology for simulating biological cell systems with cellular automata: The case of the human heart. IIIM Technical Report IIIMTR-2011-04-001. Reykjavík, Iceland: Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines.


  • Gislason, O., Jonsdottir, G. R., Thorisson, H. Th. & Thórisson, K. R. (2010). Multiparty Turntaking Using a Cognitive Model of Multimodal Dialogue Skills. Video published in Intelligent Virtual Agents ’10.
  • Thórisson, K.R., Gislason, O., Jonsdottir, G. R., Thorisson, H. Th. (2010).A Multiparty Multimodal Architecture for Realtime Turntaking. Proc. Intelligent Virtual Agents ’10.
  • Jonsdottir, G. R., & Thórisson, K. R. (2010). A distributed realtime dialogue architecture for dynamically learning polite human Turntaking. IIIM Technology Report IIIMTR-2010-10-002. Reykjavík, Iceland: Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines.
  • Wang, P. (2010). Four Basic Questions about Artificial Intelligence. IIIM Technical Report IIIMTR-2010-05-001. Reykjavík, Iceland: Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines.
  • Mallet, J. (2010). What are the limits on commercial bank lending? IIIM Technical Report IIIMTR-2010-09-001. Reykjavík, Iceland: Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines.

Catalyzing innovation and high-technology research in Iceland