Tag Archives: iiim

Visit us on IIIM & CADIA Open Day!

This spring IIIM is continuing it’s tradition on having an Open Day for all of those interested in the newest achievements in the field of AI. This year we have invited one of our closest collaborators Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents (CADIA) to join the event with several exciting presentations.

Continue reading Visit us on IIIM & CADIA Open Day!

Students Exploring IIIM at Career Days (Framadagar)

Career Days (Framadagar), annual event organized by AIESEC, this year was held at Reykjavik University on February 1st. The Career Days are aimed for students to show them internship and career opportunities that are offered by the most competitive Icelandic companies from various fields. Career Days 2012 were the biggest so far with over 3000 visitors.  Continue reading Students Exploring IIIM at Career Days (Framadagar)

ICE-TCS Event: Celebrations for the Life and Work of Alan Turing

This year the Icelandic Centre of Excellence in Theoretical Computer Science celebrates the life and work of Alan Turing with a series of dedicated talks. The Turing Year Events at Reykjavik University are organized in collaboration with the School of Computer Science at Reykjavik University, the Icelandic Mathematical Society, CADIA and The Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines.

Of note is the joint talk on April 12th by Yngvi Björnsson on Alan Turing’s contributions to AI. The talk will be followed by a critique of the Turing Test by Kristinn R. Thórisson, followed by a question/answer session.

The news bulletin for the event follows in this post, including the schedule and description of talks. For slides, data and other related content, please see the Event’s Website.
Continue reading ICE-TCS Event: Celebrations for the Life and Work of Alan Turing