Tag Archives: iiim

IIIM Researcher Ben Blumer Wins Startup Weekend

Ben-startup-prize-webStartup Weekend took place for the fourth time in Reykjavík. IIIM visiting researcher Benjamin Blumer participated in this event and we are happy to announce that his team was awarded the 1st place prize for its project “Nuus’s news”: an app for iOS that gathers news and information in one place. Similar to Spotify, but for news.  Continue reading IIIM Researcher Ben Blumer Wins Startup Weekend

IIIM & CADIA Open Day video presentation – A New Kind of AI by Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson

Image0-web During his presentation Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson introduced the RU-led, EU-funded HUMANOBS project that produced a radically new approach to machine learning. Rooted in cybernetics, this approach allows computer agents to learn complex tasks by observation, without the detailed information needed up-front in prior approaches.

Continue reading IIIM & CADIA Open Day video presentation – A New Kind of AI by Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson

Come visit us on IIIM & CADIA Open Day


Spring has arrived and it’s time for the annual IIIM & CADIA Open Day. This is a great opportunity for all of those interested in the newest achievements in the field of AI as they can join the IIIM and CADIA researchers for an afternoon of exciting and informative presentations. Continue reading Come visit us on IIIM & CADIA Open Day