John Wenz of Motherboard writes an excellent report on IIIM’s new Ethics Policy which renounces military funding for artificial intelligence research and development. The piece contains a highly informative and entertaining video on the subject.
Tag Archives: kristinn r. thórisson
IIIM’s New Ethics Policy Aims for Peaceful Use of Artificial Intelligence
Reykjavik, Iceland August 31st, 2015 – The Icelandic Institute of Intelligent Machines (IIIM) has formulated the first research policy that repudiates development of technologies intended for military operations. The Ethics Policy for Peaceful R&D outlines founding principles for a strong stance against collaboration with any organization even partially funded by military in the last five years. The policy has been several years in the making and has the support of 100% of the Institute’s employees and Board of Directors. Continue reading IIIM’s New Ethics Policy Aims for Peaceful Use of Artificial Intelligence
Fact or Fiction: The Perils of the Path to Artificial Intelligence
Developments and research within the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have been discussed greatly in recent times, especially in the context of how the developments affect modern society and its foundations.
While participating in a newscast program, Spegillinn, on Icelandic radio, Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson shared his views and expertise in AI where he said that Iceland is in the frontline of developing a machine capable of independent thinking. Continue reading Fact or Fiction: The Perils of the Path to Artificial Intelligence
Towards True AI: Artificial General Intelligence (Video from AI Festival 2014)
Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson gave a talk on Artificial General Intelligence at IIIM’s and CADIA’s AI festival where he emphasised that truly intelligent systems will not be anything like the software we know today, for at least two reasons: Today’s software cannot “figure stuff out for itself” and it has no “life of its own” — since, whenever its environment changes even slightly, it relies completely and utterly on its designers to make things right. Continue reading Towards True AI: Artificial General Intelligence (Video from AI Festival 2014)