The latest issue of IIIM’s newsletter is out now!
In this issue read about: our successful efforts with Rögg ehf to improve search-and-rescue operations and CEO Rögg Baldvin Hansson’s interview on how he turned an inspired idea to practical implementation; IIIM Managing Director Kristinn R. Thórisson’s thoughts on publication licensing; highlights from IIIM & CADIA’s Open Day; and much more from the ever-changing field of AI.
Happy reading!
The IIIM has put together a new issue of its newsletter. In it, you’ll find highlights from several projects our researchers have been involved in.
Please take a look. In this issue you can find introductions to Claudio Pedica’s Impulsion Project, Gudrun Fema’s project on the human heart, and an article on Dr. Ben Goertzel’s views on the future of Artificial General Intelligence and Cognitive Synergy.
Happy reading!
For those of you who missed the first issue, you can have a look here.
Here at IIIM we are excited to share with you our first newsletter! The aim of the newsletter is to cast light on the research projects we’re working on, events related to the field of AI and IIIM’s collaborations.
In this first newsletter you can read about Dr. Yngvi Björnsson’s account on IIIM’s andCADIA’s collaboration and Dr. Jacky Mallett’s article on Simulating Modern Banking Systems. There is also a pieces on the RU hosted “Humanobs Constructivist Workshop“, where researchers from around the world came together in a search for answers in the growing field of Artificial General Intelligence.
Catalyzing innovation and high-technology research in Iceland